605 S. Greeley Highway, Suite 1, Cheyenne, WY 82007
Veterans’ Rock Mission:
• Rock solid support for homeless veterans, veterans in need, and their families.
• We will be their foundation on which to build a new household and a new life.
• We will give them substance and nourishment.
• We will be their staff to help guide them through tough times offering useful information and ways to communicate.
• We will help to lessen the burden of mental injury and fight to overpower veteran suicide through a welcoming presence in a warm, comfortable environment.
• They fought for our freedom; now we must to help them live free of everyday burdens in small, but impactful ways.
Notice: Project Wheels to Work
Please find attached an application form to pass along to veterans who qualify for a donated car. The one we have to give this time is a
2005 Ford Escape. The deadline is Monday, January 27; our board will
vote on who gets the car at our February 4th board meeting.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Cindy Stockdale
Veterans' Rock
Board President