"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow." — Colin Powell


Gil Waddell

Commander - Marines - Post 11453

Jim Rish

Senior Vice Commander - Air Force - Post 11453

Bryan Rebenne

Junior Vice Commander - Post 11453

Trish Peoples

Quartermaster - Air Force - Post 11453

Mary Lee Dixon

Chaplain - Air Force - Post 11453

Dennis Dixon

1 Year Trustee - Air Force - Post 11453

Steve Alkire

2 Year Trustee - Post 11453

Kevin Marx

3-Year Trustee - Post 11453

Trish Peoples

Service Officer - Air Force - Post 11453

Jim Rish

Judge Advocate - Air Force - Post 11453

Trish Peoples

Surgeon - Air Force - Post 11453

Everett Winkler

Past Post Commander - Air Force - Post 11453

Jim Bush

Past Post Commander - Air Force - Post 11453

Justin Tripp

Past Post Commander - Navy - Post 11453

Commander's Corner

Commander Gil Waddell

As Commander of VFW Frontier Post 11453 I welcome to our website. I hope you find it inviting and useful.

Post News

Important Info for Post11453 Members

Ceremonial Wreaths

Two Ceremonial Wreaths donated to Post 11453


When can you see the next edition of In-Country?

Statewide News

News & Info from your department


This update from our partners at TRICARE is significant, so please review the update and as always, share with your military networks.

Marine Runs Across Wy

Marine Runs Across Wyoming to Remember Female KIAs

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW at the Starting Gate for the 125th National Convention

LOUISVILLE - Iraq War Medal of Honor recipient, author and radio talk show host David Bellavia...

VFW Action Alert: Vote Yes to Include the Major Richard Star Act in the NDAA

More than 53,000 veterans have been discharged from military service because they sustained injuries while serving our country in...