Bryan Rebenne
Junior Vice Commander - Army

Duty of Senior Vice Commander. The Post Senior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander in preserving order, preside in the absence of the Commander, provide such advice or assistance as may be required and perform such other duties as are usually incident to such office or may from time to time be required by the laws and usages of the organization or lawful orders from proper authority.
Duty of Junior Vice Commander. The Post Junior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander in preserving order, preside in the absence of the Commander and Senior Vice Commander, provide such advice or assistance as may be required and perform such other duties as are usually incident to such office or may from time to time be required of him by the laws and usages of the organization or lawful orders from proper authority.

Commander's Corner

Commander Gil Waddell

As Commander of VFW Frontier Post 11453 I welcome you to our website. I hope you find it inviting and useful.

Post News

Important Info for Post11453 Members

Road to Cheyenne National Cemetery

Now Paved

Old News 2024

Interested in Post News of the recent past. See some of our past News Articles. Also see our Newsletter Archive. ---------------------------

Statewide News

News & Info from your department


This update from our partners at TRICARE is significant, so please review the update and as always, share with your military networks.

Marine Runs Across Wy

Marine Runs Across Wyoming to Remember Female KIAs

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Day: Celebrate the Legacy

WASHINGTON - This Sunday, Sept. 29, we proudly celebrate VFW Day, marking the 125th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (V...

VFW Applauds Congress Passing Emergency Appropriations for VA

WASHINGTON - I am pleased to hear the news, along with the nearly 7 million other veterans who rely on VA benefits, to include dis...