The Other, other VFW Post in Cheyenne
  Frontier Post 11453 holds a regular monthly meeting at 7 PM on the second Tuesday of each month inside Veterans' Rock at 605 S. Greeley Highway, Suite 1, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007
  Our Post was Chartered in 1992.  We are a simple post without an Auxiliary, Honor Guard, Canteen, or ownership of a building. Without these distractions our membership is continuously focused on assisting veterans, their families, and our community.

Town Hall Meeting

Memorial Day Mishap

Miscommunication about Memorial Day Ceremony at New Cheyenne National Cemetery left many people upset. Join the Town Hall Meeting in person at VFW Post 1881, Aug 7, 2024, 5:30PM.


Share your photos/documents of our events here with DropboxTM 



Future Events

August 7, 2024 - Town Hall Meeting
August 13, 2024 - Monthly Post Meeting
September 10, 2024 - Monthly Post Meeting
October 8, 2024 - Monthly Post Meeting
November 12, 2024 - Monthly Post Meeting
December 7, 2024 - Pearl Harbor/PP-VOD Event/Monthly Meeting
January 14, 2025 - Monthly Post Meeting
February 11, 2025 - Monthly Post Meeting
March 11, 2025 - Monthly Post Meeting
April 8, 2025 - Monthly Post Meeting
May 13, 2025 - Monthly Post Meeting
June 10, 2025 - Monthly Post Meeting

more announcements

IN-COUNTRY COMIC moved to our News page

Sponsor - VFW Post 11453

VFW Post 11453 Website Sponsor Program



  The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 11453 is seeking sponsors for our website.  We invite you to visit our website at vfw11453.org.  Sponsor logos appear at the bottom of the homepage.  Visitors who click the sponsor’s logo will be brought to a webpage managed directly by the sponsor, but maintained on a server provided by Post 11453.

  We have three sponsorship levels: Red, White, and Blue.

  Red sponsorship level is $100 per year; your logo will appear at the bottom of our website’s homepage and you will have access to your dedicated webpage that you may edit at your convenience.

  White sponsorship level is $400 per year; you can be a Unique Sponsor in your field of business.  That is to say, we will not accept another sponsor from your primary field of business. This will be conducted on a first come, first serve basis. 

  Blue sponsorship level is $1,000 per year; you may be a Unique Sponsor in three fields of business.  For example: Life Insurance, Auto Insurance, and Homeowner’s Insurance. 


 Level includes



 Webpage to edit for 1 year



 Unique Sponsor in one field plus webpage



 Unique Sponsor in three fields plus webpage


   We encourage sponsors to place a link to their main website, but believe this webpage is a great place to display what it is that you do for the veteran/military community and to express your patriotism. 

  Prior to establishing a new sponsor account our Website Committee will ensure the sponsor is properly vetted, and review current sponsor’s fields of business to minimize overlap of unique sponsor fields. Additionally, we reserve the right to edit or delete any material we determine to be inappropriate, and suspend or cancel the account if necessary.  Our Post Website Committee will be the authority to determine violations and direct corrective action.  Appeals may be addressed to the Post Judge Advocate and Post Commander. 

  To support us please email info@vfw11453.org, call or text 307.509.0839




VFW Frontier Post 11453



VFW Post 11453 Website Sponsor Program