Dennis Dixon
1 Year Trustee - Air Force

Duty of Trustees

Among the duties of the three (3) elected Post Trustees, they shall:

Not later than the end of the month following the last day of each quarterly period, properly audit the books and records of the Post Quartermaster, Post Adjutant, and any activity, clubroom, holding company or unit sponsored, conducted or operated by, for or on behalf of the Post, and submit a detailed statement of such audits to the Post.

Quarterly, through the Post Commander, submit a Post Trustee’s Report of Audit to the Department Quartermaster for referral to the Department Inspector. The Report shall be in accordance with and upon such form as may be prescribed by the Adjutant General. The audit shall be signed by the Post Commander and Trustees, who shall, by their signatures, certify to the accuracy of the information contained therein. Trustees of Posts not under the jurisdiction of a Department shall submit the Report of Audit to the Adjutant General.

Verify all expenditures of the Post and certify by their signature as to the correctness of each expenditure voucher.

Audit the records and accounts of all committees, officers and members having to do with the receipt and expenditure of Post funds. Trustees shall not be eligible to serve on committees or as officers whose books, records and accounts are audited by the Trustees.

Perform such other duties as may be usually incident to the office or may from time to time be required by the laws and usages of the organization or lawful orders from proper authority.

The three Trustees is responsible for reviewing receipt reporting and expenditures monthly. Additionally, they must conduct a proper Post Audit within 30 days of the close of each quarter. Typically, the position is a three-year commitment; hence, a Post usually must only elect a new three-year Post Trustee as the current Trustees move to the next respective year designation [with the one-year Trustee dropping off]. Trustees are not allowed to serve as Post Adjutant or on committees whose books, records, or accounts are audited on a quarterly basis by the Trustees.

Commander's Corner

Commander Gil Waddell

As Commander of VFW Frontier Post 11453 I welcome you to our website. I hope you find it inviting and useful.

Post News

Important Info for Post11453 Members

2024 Youth Scolarship Contests-CLOSED-

VFW announced themes for Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen.

VFW 125 Year Proclamations

Photos of the events marking the VFW's 125th anniversary.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department


This update from our partners at TRICARE is significant, so please review the update and as always, share with your military networks.

Marine Runs Across Wy

Marine Runs Across Wyoming to Remember Female KIAs

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...

VFW Leaders Kick Off New Year With Troop Visits Abroad

WASHINGTON - Last week, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Senio...