Jim Rish
Judge Advocate - Air Force
graduating from Butte High School in May of 1962, Jim enlisted in the
USAF in September 1962. Jim served in Vietnam in 67-68 stationed at Phu
Cat AB. Jim completed his B.S, degree in Civil Engineering under the
Airman’s Education and Commission Program (AECP), graduating in May of
1975. After completing OTS, Jim was commissioned a 2Lt. in September
1975. Jim completed his Master’s Degree in Engineering Management in
1982 and retired from active duty in September, 1986. Jim found his
second family with the VFW and has served as Post Chaplain (5yrs). Post
Commander (3yrs), Department Chaplain, Department Jr Vice Commander and
currently Sr. Vice Commander. Jim and his wife Jennie have been married
55+ years, have 5 children, 14 grandchildren and 6 great
grandchildren. Jim enjoys time with his family and on the golf
Jim was also our Post Commander from 2017-2020.
Duty of Judge Advocate. The Post
Judge Advocate shall give the Post Commander such legal assistance, incident to
his office, as he may request, and perform such other duties as may be usually
incident to the office or as may from time to time be required of him by the
laws and usages of this organization or lawful orders from proper authority.