POST 11453

Please see our minutes from our Jan 12, 2021 meeting and this other interesting information.
pending approval

VFW Post 11453 – January 12, 2021


The Commander called the meeting to order at 7:00.  The following officers were present: Commander Bush, SVC Dyke, Quartermaster Tripp, Adjutant Peoples, Judge Advocate Rish, Chaplain M. L. Dixon, Trustee Jones and Trustee Daniels. All other officers excused due to COVID 19. Comrade D. Dixon was also in attendance.

Comrade Rish made a motion to approve the December minutes. It was seconded, and motion carried.

Comrade Rish made a motion to approve the December Quartermaster’s report. Motion was seconded and approved.

Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy: Although our Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen submissions did not win at Department, we are still trying to ascertain if they earned any money for placing 2nd or 3rd.

Teacher of the Year: Our Teacher of the Year submission, Rod Peoples, won the Department competition for the High School level.

Old Business:

Comrade Dyke brought informational cards for potential post members. Members can personalize the cards.

Comrade Rish is still selling Department calendars for $20 each.

New Business:

The Post paid $31 in dues to District 5.

Comrade Rish made a motion to rent a room at Veterans Rock for the purpose of monthly meetings and storage, cost to the Post will be the same as renting the Orchard Valley Community Center ($600/year). Rish will inform Orchard Valley Community Center personnel that we will not be renewing our lease. The move will be completed by the end of March. Motion seconded and approved.

Comrade Peoples made a motion to ask post members and businesses to donate money to the post to replenish our funds. Donors would be allowed to designate whether their donations go to the operating fund or the relief fund or be split between the two. The motion was seconded and approved. Comrade Peoples will provide Comrade Tripp a list of potential donors and the list of current post members.

Comrade Jones made a motion to sell the keychains and bracelets that he makes to replenish post funds. The motion was seconded and approved. Order forms for the keychains and bracelets will go with the donation ask letters. The items will also be available to order on the website.

National Home prayer was said.

Meeting adjourned.



Trish Peoples, Adjutant

From Veterans Rock President
Happy New Year from all of us at Veterans' Rock!!
We opened our doors in July of 2020; a mere six months ago. Since then our volunteers have been working VERY HARD building shelves; picking up, accepting and sorting donations; setting up computers; painting floors; washing clothes and blankets; putting together household kits; collecting items for and assembling gift bags; setting up email and Facebook accounts. Just a smidge of what has been accomplished, and then--doing what our mission says we will do; giving those donations to Veterans in need. Bob and his crew have helped almost 40 veterans so far! We have been blessed beyond belief to be able to give back to those who have fought so hard for our freedom! Something we cannot take for granted!

Our community has given, and given, and given some more, all kinds of things that go directly to Veterans. We now have very nice furniture and household items, a washer and dryer to wash veterans clothing, computers, a computer camera for veterans to conduct VA appointments or other business, personal care items, gas cards, snack foods for homeless veterans and bulk foods for families, a van for picking up and delivering donations. Along with that--so we can pay the rent and conduct business to fulfil our Mission, we have been given many things for our office and thrift store: telephones, desks, filing cabinets, a table for our Board meetings (very cool so we can make important decisions), shelving, display cases, lots and lots of fun items to sell, and even a real cash register, wow! Now we can keep track of what goes into the bank so the funds can come right back out to support VETERANS! By the way, all of our proceeds, to include the very generous monetary donations we have received, are to support our veterans. Everyone, including me, are volunteers; no one is paid here at Veterans' Rock. Most of our volunteers are Veterans themselves. That's comradery!

The words to express our gratitude and overwhelming joy for everything you, here in Laramie County and our surrounding communities (northern Colorado and eastern Nebraska), have done and given to this project are simply not enough. I will end by telling you how fulfilling it has been for me to work with all of you, including our volunteers and how much I look forward to the next six months and far beyond to make this the best nonprofit in support of Veterans ever! THANK YOU ALL!

Cindy Stockdale, President
Veterans' Rock
Veterans Rock Newsletter
Veterans’ Rock
605 S. Greeley Highway. Suite 1
Cheyenne, WY 82007

January 2021 Newsletter
We are a newly formed 501(c)(3)
Veterans’ Rock, Our Mission:
•     Rock solid support for homeless veterans, veterans in need, and their families.
•     We will be their foundation on which to build a new household and a new life.
•     We will give them substance and nourishment.
• We will be their staff to help guide them through tough times offering useful information and
ways to communicate.
• We will help to lessen the burden of mental injury and fight to overpower veteran suicide through
a welcoming presence in a warm, comfortable environment.
• They fought for our freedom; now we must to help them live free of everyday burdens in small, but
impactful ways.

Happy New Year!! We want to say thank you to all who have donated to Veterans’ Rock. We also thank
all the volunteers who have donated their time to this wonderful project. We cannot exist without
your support. THANK YOU!!

Veterans’ Rock needs for Veterans and their Families in the Clothing Room:
Jeans 30-30, 30-32,32-30, 32-34, 34-30, 34-23,
Sweet Shirts, S, M T-shirts S, M White T-shirt M, Boxer Briefs S, M, Men’s Razors Laundry Soap
Toilet Paper Winter Gloves
Food for the Homeless Veterans they can put
in their pockets and backpacks: individual snack crackers,
peanuts, granola bars, snack pudding, fruit, box juice

Col Mosby’s Corner
This month in History: 1, January (1878) Emma M. Nutt becomes the first
woman telephone operator. 1, January, (1908) The ball was first dropped at Times Square in New York
City. 3, January (1870) Construction began on the Brooklyn Bridge 6, January (1838) Samuel Morse
demonstrates the telegraph.
January was named for the Roman god Janus, known as the protector of gates and doorways, which
symbolize beginnings and ends. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the
other into the future—a fitting symbol for this first day of the year. It’s natural for us to
reflect on the past year and also look forward to the new.
January is National Health Awareness Month
We are working with Volunteers of America and CDC Church to help
veterans in every way possible. We would be happy to work with your organization to better assist
our Veteran in need and their families.
Household Items needed for Veterans who receive housing:
Sm. Apt size kitchen tables
Sauce and Frying pans Toaster Ovens
Crock Pots
Coffee Makers/w Filters
Coffee mugs, sets of 2 or 4 that match Cans of Coffee
Can Openers
Shower Curtains/w Hooks Brooms/w Dustpans
Flat screen TV’s, 30” max
Dish soap Laundry soap
Col Mosby wants to
introduce everyone to:
Trixie is a Poodle Veteran Norm recued 6yr ago from the animal shelter and trained to be a Service
Dog. She is one of the most gentle, caring dogs you will ever meet. Trixie has a sense of knowing
when someone in the group is ether upset or their PTSD is heightened. She goes to that person and
gets them to pet her. Smart dog!!
NOTE: Veterans’ Rock Thrift Store is having an open house on the 30 Jan 2021 from 9am to 3pm. Come in, look around, have a hot dog and some chile. We have lot of Knick- Knacks, large tables & chairs, 6ft couch, and lots of cool stuff. All proceeds go to purchase things veterans need. 
NOTE: Veterans’ Rock Thrift Store is having an open house on the 30 Jan 2021 from 9am to 3pm. Come in, look around, have a hot
dog and some chile. We have lot of Knick- Knacks, large tables & chairs, 6ft couch, and lots of cool stuff. All proceeds go to purchase things veterans need.
Trivia: What fell on the Sahara on February 8, 1979? Snow
A Plea For Cookies
Veterans’ Rock would like to offer coffee and cookies to veterans who come in for assistance, patrons who visit, and to folks who bring in donations.
We are here to support homeless and veterans in need and their families. Homemade goodies from our VSO community would be a wonderful way to say we care about our veterans!
We will highlight and thank the organization who donates the goodies with a sign acknowledging your homemade donation. Let’s make their days SWEET!
Come take a look—we love VETERANS!
Commanders Corner
I hope you noticed the part: NOTE: Veterans’ Rock Thrift Store is having an open house on the 30 Jan 2021 from 9am to 3pm. Come in, look around, have a hot dog and some chile. We have lot of Knick- Knacks, large tables & chairs, 6ft couch, and lots of cool stuff. All proceeds go to purchase things veterans need.

With Post 11453 planning to move (rent a room) to the Veterans Rock location I thought it would be a great idea for Post members to stop in at the Veterans Rock Thrift Store Open House. This move will put us closer to the people we are chartered to assist. Hope to see you there.
Jim Bush
VFW Post 11453

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